
Making Kids #Cleverer – Chapter 9 Practice makes permanent

2019-01-09T21:09:12+00:00January 9th, 2019|Featured|

This post is part of a series of chapter summaries of the arguments made in my new book, Making Kids Cleverer. The rest of the series can be found here. This chapter moves our discussion of how to make children cleverer from theory into practice. In chapters 6 and 7 we talked about how knowledge can be embedded in long-term memory as 'skill' and here we move to a discussion of how best to make this happen. Practising the wrong things in the wrong ways makes us better at doing things badly; only by practising the right things in the right ways will we [...]

Making Kids #Cleverer – Chapter 8: What knowledge?

2019-01-07T22:46:15+00:00January 7th, 2019|Featured|

This post is part of a series of chapter summaries of the arguments made in my new book, Making Kids Cleverer. The rest of the series can be found here. Having made the case that by teaching children more knowledge we are likely to make them cleverer, it's important to address the question of what knowledge ought to be taught. The case made in this chapter is that we should inoculate children against by trapped in a bubble of the present by teaching them that which that allows them to think new thoughts and make startling connections. The first point to make is that while [...]

Making Kids #Cleverer – Chapter 7 You are what you know

2019-01-07T22:07:37+00:00January 6th, 2019|Featured|

This post summarises the arguments in the seventh chapter of my new book, Making Kids Cleverer. The rest of the chapter summaries can be found here. I'm sure that some readers who my be otherwise sympathetic to the arguments I advance about making children cleverer will take issue with some of the points I make in this chapter, particularly as I side step some of the thorniest philosophical debates about what precisely constitutes knowledge. Clearly I'd prefer what children know to be composed entirely of justified true beliefs, but sadly our brains are as full of misconceptions, confusions and falsehoods as they are anything [...]

Making Kids #Cleverer: Chapter 6 How memory works

2019-01-05T16:18:21+00:00January 5th, 2019|Featured|

This post is part of a series of chapter summaries of the arguments made in my new book, Making Kids Cleverer. The rest of the series can be found here. If you've been following the argument so far, you'll know that I'm suggesting that we can make children cleverer by increasing their crystallised intelligence - their store of knowledge in long-term memory - and to do that we need to find ways of helping children to remember more stuff. When people speak about memorisation in education it seems to conjure up all sorts of negative associations. In fact, most memorisation takes place without conscious [...]

Making Kids #Cleverer – Chapter 5 Can we get cleverer?

2019-01-04T01:02:00+00:00January 4th, 2019|Featured|

This post summarises the arguments in the fifth chapter of my new book, Making Kids Cleverer. The rest of the chapter summaries can be found here. If intelligence is casually connected with heath, happiness and safety, if the environment matters in determining how intelligent we end up, how can we go about making ourselves cleverer? One thing we can be fairly sure will raise children’s intelligence is sending them to school. Education and intelligence have a two-way interaction: the more intelligent you are, the longer you stay in school and the longer you stay in school, the more intelligent you become. The evidence supporting [...]

Making Kids #Cleverer – Chapter 4: Nature via nurture

2019-01-07T22:00:33+00:00January 3rd, 2019|Featured|

This post summarises the arguments in the fourth chapter of my new book, Making Kids Cleverer. The rest of the chapter summaries can be found here. A central consideration to the project of making kids cleverer is where intelligence comes from; is it in our genes or is it a product of our environments? The answer is, both. In a very obvious sense no one is ‘born clever’. Babies would universally perform poorly on IQ tests, but some may have a greater potential for intelligence than others. The mistake is to believe that our genes represent our fate. The science of behavioural genetics is [...]

Making Kids #Cleverer Chapter 3: Is intelligence the answer?

2019-01-02T17:53:02+00:00January 2nd, 2019|Featured|

This post summarises the arguments in the third chapter of my new book, Making Kids Cleverer. The rest of the chapter summaries can be found here. Whatever it is you value, intelligence seems to be intimately connected with it. When experts are asked to define intelligence they come up with an unhelpfully broad and diverse range of definitions. Although we all tend to know what we mean when we describe a person as intelligent it's surprisingly hard to nail down a pithy description. However, as long as you're prepared to accept a description that isn't at all pithy, we can make some progress. [...]

Making Kids #Cleverer – Chapter 2: Built by culture

2019-01-02T10:17:56+00:00January 1st, 2019|Featured|

This is the second of a series of posts summarising the arguments in my new book, Making Kids Cleverer.  The second chapter reviews some what we know from evolutionary biology, evolutionary psychology and archeology about how we learn and think. The human mind is both built for and by culture. Although our brains are essentially the same as those of our Palaeolithic ancestors, our access to the vast accumulation of human culture is what makes us special. However, learning is a costly activity and we have evolved to maximise what can be learned in as short a time as possible. All learning is [...]

Making Kids #Cleverer – Chapter 1: The purpose of education

2019-01-02T10:18:43+00:00December 31st, 2018|Featured|

This is the first of a series of posts about the arguments in my new book, Making Kids Cleverer. The intention is, obviously, to sharpen your appetite in the hope that you'll actually give it a read. In this first chapter I set out what I consider to be the three most commonly stated purposes given to the endeavour of educating the young: Socialisation – in this view, education is primarily a tool of the state, employed to make its citizens more productive. Children should be both prepared for work and to become loyal and enthusiastic participants in the activities of [...]

My most read posts of 2018

2018-12-31T12:35:28+00:00December 31st, 2018|Featured|

After almost 8 years of blogging, I find myself becoming more erratic and less concerned about updating the site. That said, I still manage to write 61 posts over the course of 2018. These are the post that got the most hits over the past year. 5. “It’s all about relationships” 11th November Of course the relationships between teachers and students matter, but maybe they matter less than many would like to believe. This post was written in response to a school leader claiming that at his school there are no behaviour problems in either the English or maths departments because the teachers [...]

Making Kids #Cleverer – a summary

2019-01-11T12:05:16+00:00December 30th, 2018|Featured|

At long last, my new book, Making Kids Cleverer: A manifesto for closing the advantage gap, is out in the world. The argument is divided into 10 chapters and a conclusion and, over the coming days and weeks, I will elaborate on what each of the chapters contains. Chapter 1 The purpose of education - In which we examine the various claims made about the purpose of education and conclude that if we aim to make all children cleverer we are most likely to achieve whatever else we value. Chapter 2 Built by culture - In which we discuss the ways our brains have been shaped to [...]

The best books I’ve read since June

2018-12-17T21:30:05+00:00December 17th, 2018|Featured|

Back in June I posted on the books I had found most interesting and enjoyable during the first half of the year. They were: Factfulness by Hans Rosling, Enlightenment Now by Stephen Pinker, Skin in the Game by Nassim Taleb, How to Fly a Horse, by Kevin Ashton, Thinking Reading by James and Diane Murphy, Educated by Tara Westover, The Evolution of Everything by Matt Ridley, Why Nations Fail: by James Robinson and Daron Acemoglu, We Were Eight Years in Power by TaNehisi Coates, Carthage Must be Destroyed by Richard Miles, Fatherland, Robert Harris, Istanbul: A Tale of Three Cities, Bettany Hughes and A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived: The stories in [...]

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