Yuval Noah Harari

Better teaching through chemistry?

2016-09-14T22:27:00+01:00September 14th, 2016|Featured|

One of my favourite books of last year was Yuval Noah Harari's magnificent Sapiens. It looks like his new tome, Homo Deus, is going to be just as fascinating if the rest of it lives up to the first couple of chapters. The book charts some of humanity's possible futures but is also an attempt to force readers to rethink their thoughts of the future by exploring and understanding our history. One of the most compelling ideas to surface so far concerns education. Harari pints out what anyone on edu-Twitter knows well: Whether in ancient China or Victorian Britain, everybody has his or [...]

Discord isn’t disharmony: in praise of inconsistency

2019-06-21T08:36:46+01:00December 3rd, 2015|leadership|

Consistency is the playground of dull minds. Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens  What’s so great about consistency? How has the consensus that everybody 'singing from the same hymn sheet’ is always the best idea arisen? Superficially it makes sense – a choir singing from different hymn sheets would create a cacophony – but if we stretch the metaphor a little we can see that while a choir may be singing the same hymn, different choristers will be singing different parts and in different keys. Their hymn sheets will be different. As Harari says in, Sapiens, “Just as when two clashing musical notes [...]

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