Last week I expanded on some of my doubts about the concept of praise, particularly the current consensus that we should be going out of our way to praise effort. I concluded by saying, “no one would disagree with the power of a sincere compliment – the difficulty is in knowing the difference. Maybe we should start thinking about how best to encourage pupils to learn.”
I intended to spend the week considering the question of what to do instead, and then Tim Taylor wrote this summarising Alfie Kohn’s advice on how to make sure praise is sincere and useful:
A: Don’t praise people, only what people do
B: Make praise as specific as possible
C: Avoid phony praise – a parent or teacher who is genuinely delighted by something a child has done should feel free to let that excitement show. Praise becomes objectionable when it is clearly not a spontaneous expression but a deliberate strategy, a gimmick.
D: Avoid praise that sets up competition – “you’re the best in the class” etc.
Interestingly, some of these points seem self-evident, others run counter to much of the received wisdom on how we should employ praise. So, with all this in mind, I’ve spent much of the week considering each of these points and thinking about how they might be rebranded as ‘encouragement’. My guiding thought is that when we’re attempting something difficult would we rather hear, “Well done” or, “You can do it”? Do we need praise or encouragement?
Make praise as specific as possible
No one, I think, would take issue with this. We tend to see through such meaningless twaddle as “well done” and “good job”. These utterances are merely phatic, signifying precious little. But looking back through some of the books I’ve mark this term, these phrases seem to crop up far more often that I would have thought. I think I do it out of habit but as has a place holder – something to write while I consider what I really want to say. And interestingly, the younger the pupil, the more likely I am to slap on a ‘well done’. But it also seems abundantly obvious that being specific is always more useful than being vague.
This week as I marked my Year 8 books, I consciously avoided generic pats-on-the-head and focused on just giving them specific instructions on how to improve. No praise. I asked them to give me feedback on my feedback by answering these 4 questions:
- How did it make you feel?
- How easy was it to act on?
- Is your work better as a result?
Hardly scientific, but the consensus was that they didn’t feel much either way, it was easy to act on and, yes, their redraft work is better. One pupil said they wanted me to tell them what they did well. I have noted her name and will take account of this preference in future. No one said it made them feel bad and everyone felt that they had been able to improve their work. Although I didn’t praise anyone, they all felt encouraged by having improved their writing. My mini trial is confirmed by this paper from Hattie:
Praise for task performance appears to be ineffective, which is hardly surprising because it contains such little learning- related information. (p 87)
Praise addressed to students is unlikely to be effective, because it carries little information… and too often deflects attention from the task. (p 97)
He also points out that pupils like praise. But so what? They like eating popcorn, watching music videos and getting off with each other but I’m sure I’m not alone in wanting to minimise these things in the classroom. Pupils are often very poor at knowing what is good for them and their preferences are usually a weak indicator of what will work best.
Avoid phony praise
This is a no-brainer, isn’t it? As a rule, it’s always best to avoid insincerity. But as I thought about it, what I realised is that it can be devilishly difficult to spot ‘phony praise’. The way teachers interact with pupils is embedded over time. Just as pupils can suffer with ‘learned helplessness’, so can teachers. Changing habits is hard. It took me ages to avoid recitation (IRE) in classroom exchanges and it’s going to take me a long time to root out some of the sloppy language i use to ‘praise’ pupils for doing the right thing. The Year 11 class I wrote about in this post are far from being well-behaved and I can easily find myself applauding them for basics like turning up on time, sitting in their seats and doing the bare minimum of work. What do they learn from this? My suspicion is that when they get a ‘well done’ for sitting down it normalises bad behaviour. They start saying stuff like, “Look, I’ve written 2 sentences and not punched anyone. Surely I deserve some Vivo points.”
So, this week I’ve concentrated on not doing this. I’d love to report that they are now well-behaved but of course this isn’t the case. Four years of low expectations and instability will not be undone by anything so marginal. But, I can start trying to make my language part of the solution instead of adding to the problem.
Avoid praise that sets up competition
Now this is an interesting one, especially in light of all the current discussion about deciles. Harry Webb wrote an interesting post this week about bell curves in which he argues that much as we might wish otherwise, life ain’t fair. Pupils’ performance is relative and it’s useful to know how well we are doing compared to others because then we can do something about it. Someone has to be at the bottom of the pile, but it doesn’t have to be us. I also read this article from the New York Times: Losing is good for you which says,
When children make mistakes, our job should not be to spin those losses into decorated victories. Instead, our job is to help kids overcome setbacks, to help them see that progress over time is more important than a particular win or loss, and to help them graciously congratulate the child who succeeded when they failed. To do that, we need to refuse all the meaningless plastic and tin destined for landfills. We have to stop letting the Trophy-Industrial Complex run our children’s lives.
Now, may be this is getting a little off topic, but isn’t avoiding competition a poor goal. The example of saying, “You’re the best in the class,” isn’t bad because it creates competition, but because it’s divisive. It’s the praise that’s the problem, not the competition. I think encouragement could well work by engendering competition. What about saying, “You haven’t done as much as everyone else on your table” or, “This table have come up with the best range of ideas so far”? Would this be counter-productive? That’s a genuine question by the way – I think I’m on the right track, but I’d value some input on this point.
Don’t praise people, only what people do
I’ve saved this one for last deliberately. This is the one that runs counter to so much recent training in schools. Carol Dweck’s hugely influential book, Mindset, tells us that the way to a growth mindset is through praise pupils’ effort rather than their ability. Aflie Kohn tackles this view head on:
…the critical distinction between effort and ability doesn’t map neatly onto the question of praise. First of all, while it’s impossible to dispute Dweck’s well-substantiated contention that praising kids for being smart is counterproductive, praising them for the effort they’ve made can also backfire: It may communicate that they’re really not very capable and therefore unlikely to succeed at future tasks. (If you’re complimenting me just for trying hard, it must be because I’m a loser.) … to the extent that we want to teach the importance of making an effort — the point being that people have some control over their future accomplishments — praise really isn’t required at all.
Instead, he recommends what’s sometimes called process praise, or praising what people do. So instead of lavishing praise on pupils’ effort, however heroic, we should instead focus of their efforts. It might seem an insignificant distinction but adding that ‘s’ could make all the difference. Our ‘effort’ my be too bound up in who we are. but our ‘efforts’ are clearly separate from us. Effort is something we have to dredge up from within, but our ‘efforts’ are what we have produced. The main difference is that instead of commenting on what pupils are doing (which is inextricably bound up with who we are at that moment), we’re commenting on what they’ve done. And this takes us full circle. If I’m commenting on the work a pupil has produced, I’ll do much better to give them kind, helpful and specific instructions on how to improve it further.
Now maybe I’m confused about this. This study for instance conflates process praise and praising effort using the terms interchangeably. But the point isn’t to second guess our selves or try to catch others out, it’s to really think about what we say and it’s likely effects. I’m not saying not to praise kids, all I’d urge is that you think about why you’re doing it and what you want to achieve. I get asked a lot if particular techniques or strategies are ‘right’. Increasingly, I’m coming to believe that anything can be right given enough thought, and anything can be wrong if it’s done unthinkingly.
Think on.
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‘Anything can be right given enough thought, and anything can be wrong if it’s done unthinkingly.’ I like this idea, David! I’d say that it’s the ‘thinking’ that counts – too much writing about education suggests that there ARE clear rights/wrongs, and if I’ve learnt anything across my career in education (and I started in 1980 before a fair few of those I connect with on Twitter were even BORN!) it’s that things are rarely (never?) black and white, and that context and intention really matter.
On the competition front, I see the sense in not encouraging a learner to think, ‘It’s OK as long as I’ve done better than x’ when we really want them just to do better than they themselves have done in the past. But kids are naturally competitive, in my experience, and competition can be a powerful motivator. Often comparing themselves with others in the class helps them to contextualise their own achievements (‘how good was that really?’) – it actually enables them to see how they’re doing, and it can be an effective driver.
Am still thinking this all through, though – have found the recent blogs on praise/encouragement, including yours, @imagineinquiry’s and @horatiospeaks’ really useful and interesting.
Thanks Jill – you’re spot on about thinking being key. I plan to write more about this…
[…] done or reflections I’ve read. But none of them have really gotten me thinking like this blog did today. Encouragement vs. Praise. Generally, I thought they were one and the same. Both […]
[…] Hang on in there: could encouragement be more useful than praise? The Learning Spy (27th September 2013) […]
I think if you look at Dweck’s work you’ll see that she is not asking us to praise effort as an isolated event, but as it links to process. This is what Alfie Kohn is saying, which is why I think he is in danger of mis-reading Dweck’s suggestion. Saying to anybody ‘Great job, you worked hard’ or the slight better variant ‘I was pleased to see how hard you worked in class today’ are examples of bad praise because they are not anchored in observation of process. I would have thought saying something like ‘I can clearly see you put a lot of thought and effort into the detail in your essay, clearly sourcing evidence to support your arguments’ is both feedback and recognition that the student went the extra mile. Whenever I have given written feedback, either in comments or in creating targets based upon progress with rubrics (and like Alfie, I know rubrics can be limiting) that is the sort of comment I find helps students want to do better.
Some of the best feedback I have had on feedback is when coaching soccer. There I use a system where I give every player one positive observation (usually drawn from the other players) and one target for the next session. In a competitive match situation then it is even more important, particularly if we have won. I want the players to go away knowing that this is what they did right, it is due to their effort on the pitch (in practice and game) and that there is a next step. When I first tried this I was worried it was too much but it is amazing how much the players get from it. Often they remind me the next practice what they have to work on and get frustrated if I don’t take the time to go through the debrief.
Hi Tom. I’ve read Mindset as well as several of Dweck’s academic publications and she really does advocate non-specific praise of effort! Anyway, that’s largely irrelevant. Although there’s a substantial body of research cautioning us against the unthinking use of praise, we have to use our judgement and common sense. Read the last line of the post again 😉
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I post student work of the week on a wall in our classroom. I explain to the students why the work is a good example of what I asked for etc – seems to work for us – students understand what is required and they like to have thier work on display for all to see…praise and encouragement!
That sounds excellent – much more encouragement than praise!
how do you feel about what alfie says about the opposite side of the coin, punishment?
if you praise is “bad” is punishment as equally “bad” or worse?
how would that relate to detentions?
I know that giving a pupil a detention does little to change the mind-set of the pupil or improve behaviour, but not giving a detention to a pupil, who is very much in a world of praise/punishment (from other teachers, their parents etc…) mostly only see this as getting away with it.
Punishment isn’t a very helpful way of thinking about students’ behaviour. Much better to think about consequences. If students are behaving poorly and teachers fail to pick them up on this they will get the message that it’s acceptable to misbehave. While detentions may not change mindsets, no ones likes them and if you’re persistent most students will usually decide that it’s easier to do the right thing.
Does Calling it a different name make it different? The idea is basically the same, you are not doing what I want so I will make it unpleasant for you until you do?
I’m not trying to be funny here, I’m a teacher and a parent, and have read up a lot on various
things around education ( including this site which I love)
At home we don’t do praise or punishment, but I often do different at school, the contradiction is interesting and I don’t know how to solve it.
Maybe it’s used to create the 1:1 context which allows for an increased chance of support/an effective discussion to be held, rather than giving the student a chance at performing for an audience at your expense?
[…] […]
[…] questions that require a lot of reflection and insight. For example, one post discusses whether encouragement or praise is more effective. There is also advice on when, and what type of praise is most effective. I think that praise […]
Kohn does not say praise effort , but have a conversation , continue the learning process with your comments. He often quotes Jerome Bruner who says that kids should be helped to focus on what they are learning and doing and not on how they are learning. They should experience success and failure not as reward or punishment but as in information. This helps kids connect to their learning.