The last few months have gone by in a daze. The world seems to have changed – maybe permanently – and my primary means of making a living has vanished. Without knowing how – or if – it’s going to work, I’m planning on providing a Webinar on a variety of topics every week for the next few weeks. The first of these, Five things teacher needs to know about reading, will be on Thursday 18th June at 16.00 BST.

It will be completely FREE to anyone who wants to access it but there will be an option to pay £5 for those of you feel minded to do so. The content will be available for anyone who registers to view afterwards, so if you’re busy during the live stream you can always check it out at your convenience.

This first webinar will be 1 hour with roughly half the time given over to questions and discussion. Here’s a taster of the 5 things I suggest every teacher needs to know about reading:

  1. Just because students struggle to read doesn’t mean they’re less able
  2. Working memory affects reading ability
  3. Comprehension depends on general knowledge (and strategic knowledge)
  4. Vocabulary matters
  5. Everyone loves stories

I really hope you can join me. Click here to register.